Liberty Insurance

Paraview developed a robust platform to streamline Liberty Insurance's large-scale SSO access management and password changes while strengthening their PAM security and compliance.


Business Nature
Company Size
No. 284 on 2023 Fortune Global 500 List
Services Required

The Problem

  • Disorganized account management with no central oversight.
  • Ineffective auditing due to dispersed logs, complicating risk detection.
  • Unclear authorization with zombie accounts and excessive privileges.
  • Non-compliance with password complexity and trusted authentication regulations.

Our Solution

  • Implement a unified, secure login system with traceability for operations personnel.
  • Integrate with the master data center for centralized identity management and privileged account control.
  • Use a primary-backup system on an isolated intranet with secure emergency access.
  • Access business data through a jump server for real-time auditing, bypassing local tools like VNC, SSH, and FTP.
  • Streamline privileged account applications: request with hierarchical approval, extend with admin approval, and automatically approve urgent requests with traceability.


  • Robust platform managing around 5.8 million SSO accesses and 110,000 password changes annually.
  • Standardized device and privileged account management enhances security and compliance.
  • Centralized authorization and regular password changes reduce operational costs.
  • A unified audit center ensures compliance through detailed user behavior audits.

Ready to Embrace a Safe and Efficient Digital World?

Contact us and Let’s discuss how Paraview can secure your identity and API assets.