Paraview enables FRESENIUS AG to streamline complex integrations and standardize service specifications, reducing data leakage risks and improving operation efficiency.


Business Nature
Medical Care
Company Size
No. 346 on 2023 Fortune Global 500 List
Services Required

The Problem

  • Lack of unified integration standards complicates management and increases security risks.
  • Incomplete monitoring and issue detection lead to reactive IT operations and data leakage.
  • Complex integrations and inefficient log retrieval hinder system performance and maintenance.

Our Solution

  • Implement enterprise-level integration standards, shifting from mesh to bus topology for streamlined connectivity and controlled interface management.
  • Enhance data governance with comprehensive API lifecycle management, covering development, testing, and secure publication.
  • Rapidly develop and generate APIs through SQL configuration for efficient and secure data sharing.
  • Monitor real-time API gateway status with alerts to ensure platform reliability.
  • Secure API calls with authentication, encryption, and access control to prevent data leakage.


  • Reduce integration costs by enhancing interface reusability across 14 business systems.
  • Standardize service specifications with unified protocols and message formats.
  • Ensure accurate, consistent data with comprehensive logging and real-time anomaly alerts.
  • Minimize system coupling by reducing specification differences through protocol adaptation.

Ready to Embrace a Safe and Efficient Digital World?

Contact us and Let’s discuss how Paraview can secure your identity and API assets.